ESF+ Food and Basic Material Support is designed to support Member States in addressing the basic needs of the most deprived people in our community. It is funded by ESF+ under the Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme.
This support is for people without access to income or living in very poor circumstances.
Sligo FRC has deliveries 4 times a year and distributes food hampers to those in need. This service is funded by the EU and Department of Social Protection.
ESF+ Food and Basic Material Support will help people take their first steps out of poverty and social exclusion by addressing some of their most basic needs.
The focus of the fund will be on those on the margins of society and in need of essential supports.
Effectively, the support will target:
homeless persons including long-term rough sleepers
children in low income/work intensity households
victims of domestic violence in refuges and shelters
persons suffering or recovering from addictions
certain members of the Roma and Traveller communities
vulnerable persons transitioning to independent living from emergency accommodation, institutionalised care settings or places of detention
any person without income, accommodation or means not otherwise defined above