These are held each July for one – two week for children aged 4-6 years – there are 10-12 in each group so that each child can each his/her potential through play, experiencing new things – trips to the fire station, library and Model are always popular as is the trip to O Boyle Park across the road.
In the summer 2022 we coordinated Surfing, Basketball, Drama and Art Camps for the children recently arrived from Ukraine. We also linked in with local GAA clubs Drumcliffe Rosses Point and St Joseph’s Calry to run taster GAA evenings and with Sligo Rovers to direct families to football matches and camps.
In recent years, we have started to run camps for older children (7-12) with arts/crafts/drama over Halloween /February break and for families we have run the very popular Family Cookery Camps in the Mercy College, Summerhill College and St Marys College, Ballisodare.